Boyce, A. Moller, J. R., Onwuka, O., & Smith, T. L. (2019, October). Defining and measuring EDI: The road to a diversified STEM workforce. Roundtable at the Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators Conference, Washington, DC.
Boyce, A., Smith, T. & Leeburg, E. (2021, May). What gets measured gets done: Exploring ATE evaluators’ and principal investigators’ attention to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Clark, T., Odetola, C., Ndjoli, A., Boyce, A., & Reid, A. (2021) DEI Crosswalk. University of North Carolina Greensboro: Office of Assessment Evaluation and Research Services
Leeburg, E., Becho L. W., Boyce, A., & Smith, T. (2021, May). Equity, diversity, and inclusion.
Leeburg, E., Boyce, A., & Smith, T. (2020, November). EDI and the ATE community.
Moller, J. R., Onwuka, O., Boyce, A. S., Smith, T. L., Adetogun, A., Arias Orozco, G., Avent, C., Reid, A., Stockdale, M. (2019, November). Embracing equity, diversity, and inclusion: Applications toward a future of evaluation that leaves no one behind. Roundtable presented at the meeting for the American Evaluation Association, Minneapolis, MN.
Moller, J.R., & Boyce, A.S. (2020). Network for Computational Nanotechnology Cyber Platform: Customer Satisfaction Survey Sept. - Oct. 2020 Cursory Findings
Onwuka, O.O., & Boyce, A.S. (2021). Network for Computational Nanotechnology Hierarchical Nanomanufacturing Node: nanoMFG Site Visit External Evaluation Presentation. University of North Carolina Greensboro: Office of Assessment, Evaluation, and Research Services.
Somo-Aina, O., Chuquiruna Alcantara, J., Reid, A., & Boyce, A. (2021). Overview of Interview Findings of the Midwest Big Data Hub (MBDH) Community Development and Engagement Award. University of North Carolina Greensboro