Funding Announcements and Details
Announcements to funding for SPEL projects will appear in this space. Current listings of active projects can be found on the UNCG School of Education website.
Citations and links to peer-reviewed publications associated with SPEL projects will be listed in this space as they become available.
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Technical Reports & Memorandums
Adetogun, A., Hall, C., Avent, C., Cook, M., Boyce, A. (2021). Science Technology & Math Preparation Scholarships (STAMPS) Project: University of North Carolina at Greensboro Comprehensive Report: Year 1-3. University of North Carolina at Greensboro.
Adetogun, A., Hall, C., Boyce, A. (2021). Science Technology & Math Preparation Scholarships (STAMPS) Project: University of North Carolina at Greensboro STAMPS Cohort 4 Research Update. University of North Carolina at Greensboro.
Arias Orozco, G., Clark, T. & Reid, A. (2021). NSF Annual Report. University of North Carolina Greensboro: Office of Assessment, Evaluation, and Research Services.
Arias Orozco, G., Reid, A., & Boyce, A. S. (2021). Faculty Workshops Survey Report. University of North Carolina Greensboro: Office of Assessment, Evaluation, and Research Services.
Boyce, A., Reid, A., Clark, T., & Odetola, C. (2020) Fall 2020: SWOT Analysis Report. University of North Carolina Greensboro: Office of Assessment Evaluation and Research Services
Boyce, A.S., Moller, J.R., & Avent, C. (2020). Network for Computational Nanotechnology Cyber Platform: 2020 Climate Study Report. UNC Greensboro.
Boyce, A.S., Reid, A., & Hooks Singletary, B. (2020). STEM PUSH alliance – feedback on basecamp platform evaluation memo. University of Pittsburgh.
Boyce, A.S., Smith, T.L., Clark, T., Moller, J.R., Onwuka, O.O., & Smith, A.(2021). Defining and Measuring Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Advanced Technological Education (ATE) Contexts: Summer 2020 EvaluATE Evaluator Survey Findings. University of North Carolina Greensboro: Office of Assessment, Evaluation, and Research Services.
Boyce, A.S., Smith, T.L., Moller, J.R., Onwuka, O.O., Clark, T., & Smith, A.(2021). Defining and Measuring Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Advanced Technological Education (ATE) Contexts: 2019 EvaluATE Survey Findings. University of North Carolina Greensboro: Office of Assessment, Evaluation, and Research Services.
Burnett, D., Somo-Aina, O., Chuquiruna Alcantara, J., Reid, A., & Boyce, A. (2020). Feedback on Midwest Big Data Hub (MDBH) Website. University of North Carolina Greensboro: Office of Assessment Evaluation and Research Services
Chuquiruna Alcantara, J., Moller, J.R., Ladokun, S., Stephenson, S., Onwuka, O.O., & Boyce. A. (2020). Network for Computational Nanotechnology Cyber Platform: Undergraduate Research Experience Summer 2020 Evaluation Report. University of North Carolina Greensboro
Chuquiruna Alcantara, J., Rouse, C. J., Moller, J.R., & Boyce. A. (2021). Report of Champion Program Interviews. University of North Carolina Greensboro
Clark, T., Boyce, A., Moller, J.R. (2021) Undergraduate Research, Scholarship and Creativity Office Survey Instrument Findings Memorandum. University of North Carolina Greensboro: Office of Assessment Evaluation and Research Services
Clark, T., Ndjoli, A., Boyce, A., & Reid, A. (2021) 2021 UNCG Summer Research Writing Retreat Findings Memorandum. University of North Carolina Greensboro: Office of Assessment Evaluation and Research Services
Clark, T., Odetola, C., (2020). Feedback on ADVANCE Website. University of North Carolina Greensboro: Office of Assessment Evaluation and Research Services
Clark, T., Odetola, C., Boyce, A., & Reid, A. (2020) FMLA Survey Findings. University of North Carolina Greensboro: Office of Assessment Evaluation and Research Services
Clark, T., Odetola, C., Boyce, A., & Reid, A. (2020) Internal Advisory Board Memorandum. University of North Carolina Greensboro: Office of Assessment Evaluation and Research Services
Clark, T., Odetola, C., Boyce, A., & Reid, A. (2021) Literature Review on Impact of COVID-19 on productivity and looking for gender inequities. University of North Carolina Greensboro: Office of Assessment Evaluation and Research Services
Clark, T., Odetola, C., Ndjoli, A., Boyce, A., & Reid, A. (2021) Picture A Scientist & Fair Play Evaluation Survey Results Memorandum. University of North Carolina Greensboro: Office of Assessment Evaluation and Research Services.
Odetola, C., Cooke, M., Singletary, B. H., Malloy, C., Reid, A., & Boyce, A. (2021). STEM PUSH network: website review memo. University of North Carolina Greensboro: Office of Assessment, Evaluation, and Research Services.
Onwuka, O.O., & Boyce, A.S. (2020). Network for Computational Nanotechnology Hierarchical Nanomanufacturing Node: New nanoMFG Graduate Students' Interview Analysis Findings. University of North Carolina Greensboro: Office of Assessment, Evaluation, and Research Services.
Onwuka, O.O., & Boyce, A.S. (2021). Network for Computational Nanotechnology Hierarchical Nanomanufacturing Node: nanoMFG Site Visit External Evaluation Presentation. University of North Carolina Greensboro: Office of Assessment, Evaluation, and Research Services.
Onwuka, O.O., Boyce, A.S., Chuquiruna Alcantara, J., & Rouse C. (2021). Network for Computational Nanotechnology Hierarchical Nanomanufacturing Node: nanoMFG Climate Study Evaluation Report. University of North Carolina Greensboro: Office of Assessment, Evaluation, and Research Services.
Onwuka, O.O., Boyce, A.S., Stephenson, S., Chuquiruna Alcantara, J., Ladokun, S., & Moller, J.R.(2020). Network for Computational Nanotechnology Hierarchical Nanomanufacturing Node: Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC) Research Experience for Undergraduate (REU) Summer 2020 Evaluation Report. University of North Carolina Greensboro: Office of Assessment, Evaluation, and Research Services.
Onwuka, O.O., Boyce, A.S., Stephenson, S., Moller, J.R., & Chuquiruna Alcantara, J. (2021). Network for Computational Nanotechnology Hierarchical Nanomanufacturing Node: nanoMFG SWOT Analysis Findings. University of North Carolina Greensboro: Office of Assessment, Evaluation, and Research Services.
Onwuka, O.O., Ladokun, S., Chuquiruna Alcantara, J., & Boyce, A.S. (2020). Network for Computational Nanotechnology Hierarchical Nanomanufacturing Node: nanoMFG Imposter Syndrome Workshop Findings. University of North Carolina Greensboro: Office of Assessment, Evaluation, and Research Services.
Singletary, B. H., Odetola, C., Malloy, C., Cook, M., Reid, A., & Boyce, A. (2021). STEM PUSH UPitt Alliance: SWOT analysis report. University of North Carolina Greensboro: Office of Assessment, Evaluation, and Research Services.
Singletary, B. H., Malloy, C., Odetola, C., Reid, A., & Boyce, A. (2020). STEM PUSH UPitt Alliance: Root causes analysis findings report. University of North Carolina Greensboro: Office of Assessment, Evaluation, and Research Services.
Singletary, B. H., Reid, A., Malloy, C., Odetola, C., & Boyce, A. (2020). STEM PUSH UPitt Alliance: HUB team interview findings report. University of North Carolina Greensboro: Office of Assessment, Evaluation, and Research Services.
Somo-Aina, O., Chuquiruna Alcantara, J., Burnett, D., Reid, A., & Boyce, A. (2020). Midwest Big Data Hub (MBDH) 2020 Stakeholder Interview Report. University of North Carolina Greensboro
Somo-Aina, O., Chuquiruna Alcantara, J., Burnett, D., Reid, A., & Boyce, A. (2021). Midwest Big Data Hub (MBDH) SWOT Analysis. University of North Carolina Greensboro
Links and details for publications and blog posts related to SPEL will be posted here as details arrive.
Publications & Blogs
Boyce, A. Moller, J. R., Onwuka, O., & Smith, T. L. (2019, October). Defining and measuring EDI: The road to a diversified STEM workforce. Roundtable at the Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators Conference, Washington, DC.
Boyce, A., Smith, T. & Leeburg, E. (2021, May). What gets measured gets done: Exploring ATE evaluators’ and principal investigators’ attention to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Clark, T., Odetola, C., Ndjoli, A., Boyce, A., & Reid, A. (2021) DEI Crosswalk. University of North Carolina Greensboro: Office of Assessment Evaluation and Research Services
Leeburg, E., Becho L. W., Boyce, A., & Smith, T. (2021, May). Equity, diversity, and inclusion.
Leeburg, E., Boyce, A., & Smith, T. (2020, November). EDI and the ATE community.
Moller, J. R., Onwuka, O., Boyce, A. S., Smith, T. L., Adetogun, A., Arias Orozco, G., Avent, C., Reid, A., Stockdale, M. (2019, November). Embracing equity, diversity, and inclusion: Applications toward a future of evaluation that leaves no one behind. Roundtable presented at the meeting for the American Evaluation Association, Minneapolis, MN.
Moller, J.R., & Boyce, A.S. (2020). Network for Computational Nanotechnology Cyber Platform: Customer Satisfaction Survey Sept. - Oct. 2020 Cursory Findings
Onwuka, O.O., & Boyce, A.S. (2021). Network for Computational Nanotechnology Hierarchical Nanomanufacturing Node: nanoMFG Site Visit External Evaluation Presentation. University of North Carolina Greensboro: Office of Assessment, Evaluation, and Research Services.
Somo-Aina, O., Chuquiruna Alcantara, J., Reid, A., & Boyce, A. (2021). Overview of Interview Findings of the Midwest Big Data Hub (MBDH) Community Development and Engagement Award. University of North Carolina Greensboro
As resources developed by SPEL become available, they will appear in this section.