Co-Located at Arizona State University and UNC Greensboro
Offering valuable research and evaluation support while providing training opportunities for our students.

Dr. Aileen Reid (ERM) Named External Evaluator for $20 Million NSF Grant Project

16 Faculty Members Join MLFTC this Fall

Dr. Aileen Reid, SPEL Co-Director, Receives Thomas Undergraduate Research Mentor Award from UNCG School of Education

UNCG Carolyn and Norwood Thomas Undergraduate Research & Creativity Expo Honors Caraline Malloy & Myranda Cook, SPEL Student Researchers

Charity Odetola, SPEL Student Researcher, Featured by UNCG for her International Student Experience during COIVD-19

The Office of Assessment, Evaluation, and Research Services (OAERS) is a division of the Department of Educational Research Methodology (ERM) at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. OAERS delivers valuable research and evaluation support to organizations while providing a rich training ground for the next generation of leaders in the fields of assessment, program evaluation, and data analysis.